Projects 4 Roofing Blog | Conservatory Roof Conversion

Should I Put Windows on My New Conservatory Roof?

Written by Clare Whitehall | Aug 06, 2021

Some homeowners are reluctant to have a solid roof conservatory because they’re worried about losing a lot of natural light. Glass or polycarbonate conservatory roofs are of course transparent, while solid roofs are opaque.

But this doesn’t mean a solid roof conservatory turns dark.

Once the ceiling has been painted, the light refracts around the room so you don't loose a significant amount of light and the conservatory is still bright and airy.

If however, you choose to include windows in your conservatory roof conversion, we provide two options. Here’s how the right conservatory roof windows keep the room bright, airy, and add a “wow” factor to your conservatory.

Get your conservatory ready for summer

A typical sunroom is the perfect place to spend a bright summer day. With big windows and a garden view, nothing can beat it. Unless your roof is letting in too much sun, overheating the conservatory, or blinding you while you’re trying to relax. 

Solid roof conservatories offer protection against these issues, but they don’t mean you don’t get any natural light. Quite the opposite!

With fitted windows in your conservatory roof, you allow the perfect level of sunlight to come through, maintaining the ideal environment for a sunny day. 

Conservatory windows are also a great way to upgrade your garden room and add value to your conservatory. They also make the room look bigger, airier and more complete.

So whether you’re planning to use your conservatory to read a book, hang out with friends or just enjoy the comforting, light surroundings, windows are a fantastic addition to a new roof.

Here are the versatile window options you have when you undergo a conservatory roof replacement with a Guardian Warm Roof.

Conservatory roof windows: traditional or modern?

A conservatory conversion from Projects 4 Roofing gives you two different types of window to add to your new solid roof. 

You can either go for:

    • Velux Windows, for a traditional looking pane which can open, or
    • Solstice Windows, with a modern, flush-fitted design which needs no maintenance.

Let’s go into each option in a little more detail...

Traditional Velux Windows

Well-known, trusted and classic, windows from Velux are found in conservatories and homes throughout the country. They’re a top-quality brand, which look and work beautifully, which is why we use them on our conservatory roof replacements. 

Apart from their traditional appearance, the main advantage of Velux windows is that they can open and shut. This lets in fresh air when you need it, and provides a secure lock when you leave the conservatory.

Now, while the Guardian Warm Roof has excellent conservatory roof insulation, which prevents drastic temperatures inside, being able to add a window can just be a nice option. 

Sometimes it’s just pleasant to feel a little summer breeze coming in through the conservatory. If you like that idea, a Velux window or two might be the solution. 

We can arrange to install Velux windows in the right conservatory roof positions to let in the most amount of light and air when required.

Ultra-modern Solstice Windows

Our other favourite conservatory roof window is the modern Solstice Window. 

Not all conservatories need windows that open. If you have a door that leads to the garden then, this is sufficient for good air-flow. Plus, with the Guardian Warm Roof you’ll never be too hot or too cold in your conservatory anyway. 

But it’s perfectly fine (and sometimes easier) to install windows just for the light they bring and nothing else. Without having to spend time and additional costs on maintenance, Solstice Windows don’t have an opening mechanism, making them simpler to keep. 

Their stylish glazings are sealed to fit snugly and flush into your Guardian roof. This gives a contemporary look that really shows how your windows were meant as part of your new conservatory roof. 

Whichever window option you choose for your conservatory, you’ll have plenty of natural light throughout the year, and really add value to your conservatory conversion.

Choose Guardian Warm Roofs for effective conservatory window installation

Quality windows need to be installed in a quality roof to ensure their effectiveness and long life. 

To guarantee that the windows perform at their best, it really helps to hire a trustworthy and skilled roofing installation company to do the job. Transforming your conservatory roof (with or without windows) is a big job and needs trained installers who know what they’re doing.

With years of experience, Projects 4 Roofing knows the Guardian Warm Roof system better than anyone. We not only install Guardian roofs quickly and expertly, but we can also advise our customers on making the right choices. 

We always go through an extensive consultation with our prospective customers to ensure that we understand your needs. We discuss how you plan on using your new insulated conservatory and the options available to you. 

That means we can suggest whether a Velux or a Solstice window will be best for you and your budget. We’ll recommend where to place the windows, how many to install, and always give you the final say.

So if you plan on replacing your conservatory roof this summer, you can’t go wrong with windows installed by Projects 4 Roofing. In just 8 days you could have a brand new conservatory roof with conservatory roof insulation to keep temperatures comfortable, and the best windows to capture loads of that beautiful natural light. 

Get in touch to arrange a consultation with one of our team members. The future of your comfy conservatory is looking bright!