Projects 4 Roofing Blog | Conservatory Roof Conversion

Turn a conservatory into an all-year-round playroom

Written by Clare Whitehall | Mar 16, 2017

A conservatory is often somewhere parents hope can become a playroom in which all of the kids’ toys live happily out of sight.

Parents want a playroom where the children can have a space to call their own, watch their own TV shows and not be too precious about tidying up all of their toys. That Lego village doesn’t have to go back in the box at the end of play if it isn’t strewn across the living room floor.

Conservatories can be too hot or too cold

But it soon becomes clear that most conservatories can only be used at certain times of the year because they either become too hot or too cold to be comfortable.  A conservatory is not much fun in the winter months – it can be freezing, expensive to heat and even noisy. In summer it can be hot and stuffy. Soft furnishings also fade dramatically in the sun. You may even need to wear sunglasses to cope with the direct sunlight beating down, especially in south facing gardens.

This means toys end up being kept in the main living areas of the house, there is no ‘adult space’ where parents can relax at the end of the day and visitors are often stepping over the children’s play area when they arrive.

Other problems can include being interrupted by playing children when you are working at home like this dad. Parents may also never get to watch ‘grown up’ TV shows without interruption and have a general feeling that the house is disorganised and untidy.

All year round living space

What families really need is an all year round living space for the children to use that is comfortable, whatever the season. Luckily a Guardian Warm Roof solves all of these problems, and creates a lifestyle solution by making the conservatory into a proper room.

Adding a Guardian Warm Roof to your existing conservatory is a cost effective way of retaining current floor space whilst improving the energy efficiency of the structure. With a Guardian Warm Roof Replacement System the whole family will be able to sit back and enjoy your extra living space all-year-round. It will be nice and cool in summer – cosy and warm in winter.

When you choose a Guardian Warm Roof, the old polycarbonate or glass roof of the conservatory is removed and replaced with attractive lightweight tiles or slates to match your home. Inside the ceiling can be plastered and have spotlights and even roof light windows. It looks like a seamless extension to your home. The work can be carried out in just a few days and the difference in insulation is felt immediately.

What’s more, the conservatory is now legally an extension; the roof is installed by trained specialists and is in full compliance with current building regulations. This means when you come to sell the house it can legally be marketed as an extra room.

Find out how you can gain an all year round useable room simply by replacing your conservatory roof. Call us on 01638 507730 or email