Are you considering converting your Conservatory Roof?

We are a conservatory roof conversion company based in East Anglia and a specialist installer of the LABC Approved Guardian Warm Roof system, We’ll make your garden room dream a reality…

DIY vs. Professional Conservatory Roof Transformation with Projects4Roofing

Posted by Clare Whitehall on Sep 06, 2024

Upgrading your conservatory roof is more than a home improvement project - it's an opportunity to make a real difference in the comfort and enjoyment of your conservatory space, at the same time as improving your home's energy efficiency. 


Choosing a solid roof conservatory also comes with a wide range of additional benefits over a glass roof or polycarbonate roofing -  helping to keep your conservatory warm in the winter and cool in the summer, saying goodbye to pesky leaks and draughts, and providing better soundproofing from outside noises so you can enjoy your conservatory in peace all year round.

But if you’ve been researching the potential for installing a solid conservatory roof, you’ll understand that it’s quite a significant investment. 

With the current cost of living, it may have crossed your mind that you could save on the costs of your conservatory roof transformation by taking it on as a DIY project. 

But even if you’re a DIY pro - it’s important to know what you’re getting yourself into with a conservatory roof installation. Sometimes what seems like a money-saver upfront, can lead to more costs and headaches down the line.

We’ve put together this guide to help you weigh up your options between both DIY and professional conservatory roof replacements. 

By the end of the article, you’ll have all the insight you need to decide which path is right for you.


The appeal of a DIY conservatory roof transformation


At Projects4Roofing, we’re never going to give you a hard sell. 

We understand that you have plenty of options when it comes to who installs your solid roof conservatory and that ‘technically’ one of those options is doing it yourself. 

Even though we wouldn’t advise it as a DIY project, in the spirit of providing a balanced perspective, let’s explore three common reasons why you might be considering taking a conservatory roof transformation project yourself. 


Cost savings

In the current economic climate, you’d struggle to find anyone who wouldn’t be keen to save on costs where they can. 

So we fully appreciate that one of the biggest perceived benefits of tackling your conservatory roof replacement yourself is the potential to reduce the financial outlay. 

It’s understandable that the potential to save money on the cost of professional installation can make the idea of going DIY tempting.


A sense of more control over the project

Your home is your castle, and we understand that there’s something empowering about being in the driver’s seat with any home improvement project.  

With a DIY project, you get to call the shots - choosing the materials, the timeline, and the pace you work at. 

There’s no need to make sure you’re available on a particular date, and you can start and stop work depending on what’s going on within your home. And if you’ve got a clear idea in your mind about what you want to achieve, having full control of the project can be satisfying. 


A sense of accomplishment


We know that nothing beats the feeling of stepping back and admiring a job you’ve done well (we get that feeling with every conservatory roof transformation we complete!)

The sense of pride and accomplishment you get from completing a large project yourself can be amazing - so we understand that this might be a reason why you’re considering a DIY conservatory renovation.

However…heed a word of warning from one of our founders
Clare Whitehall is one of our founders, and has been helping homeowners achieve the conservatories of their dreams for more than a decade. 

She’s offered these words of advice for anyone who might be thinking of tackling a solid roof conservatory project on their own:

“ It’s really not a DIY project at all - it’s major building works. Even if the homeowner was a qualified roofer, installing a solid roof  conservatory replacement requires a wide range of additional skills such as electrics, plastering, and roof insulation. It’s a lot different from a normal roofing project and I’d strongly advise against a homeowner trying to complete it themselves without expert guidance!

Let’s take a look at some of the hidden risks that might be associated with a DIY conservatory roof transformation.


The hidden risks of DIY conservatory renovation


While the potential for saving money and having that sense of control and accomplishment might make DIY conservatory roof replacement tempting, it's important to weigh up the hidden risks that could turn your dream project into a costly nightmare. 

Here are some of the things you need to consider before picking up that toolbox.


Risk of improper installation

One of the biggest risks with a DIY conservatory transformation is the potential for improper installation. 

Conservatory roof transformations are complex and require precise measurements, a solid grasp of load-bearing principles, and an understanding of how to make your conservatory withstand the variable British weather. 

A single small mistake can lead to leaks or even structural issues that might not show up until it's too late. These problems can result in expensive repairs, or even the need for a complete reinstallation of your conservatory roof.

Professional conservatory roof replacement companies have a team of roofing specialists with the expertise and experience to get things right the first time, and spot any potential issues early so they can be rectified during installation. 


Safety concerns

Working on a conservatory roof is dangerous, especially if you're not trained for it. The risks of falls, handling heavy materials, and using power tools at heights are significant. 

Without the proper safety training, approaching a conservatory roof replacement as a DIY project can quickly become dangerous.

Professional conservatory roof transformation companies follow strict safety protocols, make sure their team is fully trained, and have all the correct equipment, like scaffolding, to ensure the job is done safely and efficiently.


Access to the right tools and materials

A successful conservatory roof replacement requires more than just basic tools, and the specialised equipment needed can be expensive to purchase for a one-time project.

And when it comes to choosing the right system for your conservatory roof, some options might be ‘trade only’ and not available to members of the public. 

For example, at Projects4Roofing we exclusively install the Guardian Warm Roof, and every member of our team has extensive training on how to install it correctly. This helps ensure we deliver a high-quality project that a DIY approach might struggle to achieve.


Compliance with building regulations

Conservatory roof replacements in the UK must meet strict building regulations covering things like thermal efficiency and structural integrity.

Fully understanding and working with these regulations can be tricky if you’ve never had to install a new conservatory roof before, and failing to comply can have some severe consequences. 

For example, if your conservatory roof transformation is found not to comply with building regulations, you could be forced to make corrections, have legal issues, or it could impact your home’s resale value.

At Projects4Roofing, we’ve been installing conservatory roof replacements for over a decade, and we have plenty of experience in making sure your project meets building regulations. If you choose us as your professional installation partner, we’ll even manage the whole building regulations process for you - making it simple and hassle-free. 


No warranty protection

One of the major drawbacks of approaching a conservatory roof transformation as a DIY project  is the lack of a warranty. 

If something goes wrong with your conservatory roof installation at some point in the future, you're liable for all the repairs- which depending on the issue, can be costly. 

If you choose a reputable conservatory roof replacement company, they should offer warranties that cover both materials and workmanship, giving you complete peace of mind and protecting you from unexpected repair expenses in the future. 

For example, at Projects4Roofing, all our installations come with a 10-year manufacturer's guarantee, and we also offer a 20-year workmanship guarantee.


Time and inconvenience

If you’re a keen DIY enthusiast, you’ll be familiar with the fact that DIY projects often take much longer than expected, especially if you encounter issues or have other life responsibilities. 

With the scope and scale of a conservatory roof replacement, any delays to your project are likely to result in disruption to your home life routine and cause an inconvenience for the entire family.

If you choose a professional conservatory roof installation partner, they can complete the project quickly and efficiently - with many Projects4Roofing conservatory projects being completed in as little as 8 days. 


Working with a professional conservatory transformation company can help you avoid the worst-case scenario


After reading this article, imagine you’ve decided to go ahead and complete your conservatory roof transformation yourself.  

You’ve finished your project, and everything seems fine - until the first heavy rain hits. 
Suddenly, you notice leaks and water damage where the roof meets the walls, your conservatory feels damp, and your family doesn’t want to spend time in there. 

Or even worse, there are no visible issues, but your load-bearing calculations were incorrect, and your conservatory structure isn’t sound - putting your family at serious risk without anyone knowing.

When you work with professional roofing specialists, these worst-case scenarios are avoided. A team of experts will ensure that your conservatory roof is not only beautifully finished but also safe and compliant with all building regulations.


Looking for a conservatory roof replacement company you can trust?

When it comes to something as important as your conservatory roof, it’s really not worth risking the safety and quality of installation to save money. 

Investing in a professional installation helps ensure your conservatory roof is installed correctly, safely, in full compliance with all regulations - and is built to last.

At Projects4Roofing, we’ve been installing conservatory roof replacements for over 10 years.

We take pride in the trust our customers place in us, and our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has earned us both Which? Trusted Trader and TrustATrader certifications.

We work efficiently, aiming to complete your solid roof conservatory installation in just 7-8 working days. 

And to give you complete peace of mind, every project comes with a 10-year manufacturer guarantee, a 20-year workmanship guarantee and a building regulations completion certificate.

Ready to transform your conservatory into a space you can enjoy for years to come? Get in touch with our team of professionals today. 


Speak to our roofing specialists at Projects4Roofing today!

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Topics: Conservatory Roof Conversion, conservatory roof replacement, Building regulations

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