Projects 4 Roofing Blog | Conservatory Roof Conversion

House Hunters’ Cheap Extension and Conservatory Garden Room

Written by Clare Whitehall | Mar 16, 2021

Are you looking for a new house?

If, like thousands of other people across the UK, you’re finding that you need more space at home, there could be an easier solution: a conservatory roof conversion.

What if we told you that you can get the extra living space you’re after without moving, and at a fraction of the cost and hassle?

Read on to see how you can achieve a cheap extension and a proper conservatory garden room from one simple project.

Get more living space without moving house

The search for more square footage is consistently among house hunters’ top reasons for moving home. Especially in these times when we’ve all spent so much of the year not going anywhere else. Small niggles with your living space can become more obvious and irritating when you spend such a large proportion of your time there.

Perhaps you’re wondering how you’re going to squeeze in all your friends and relatives once pandemic restrictions (hopefully) ease later this year. And if any of them wants to sleep overnight there may be no room. In this case, a move probably looks attractive.

But if you love your home and you’d stay put if you only had more room, there could be an alternative. What if, instead of moving, you could have a proper yet cheap extension

An alternative to moving house

Many people have a conservatory that hasn’t lived up to its promise. It’s either too cold in winter, too hot in summer, or damp and unpleasant. If you recognise these issues, a simple conservatory roof conversion could be the answer.

With a conservatory roof replacement – removing your existing roof and fitting a solid conservatory roof – you regain useable space in your home. Thanks to excellent insulation that keeps the room at an even temperature, you can effectively turn your conservatory into an extension.

The old, neglected conservatory becomes an all-year-round living space with a tiled roof, plastered ceiling and even spotlights. But most important of all, it never overheats or gets freezing cold.

In addition a solid roof means you lose the glare from the sun, minimise rain and other external noise, and you don’t have to worry about leaks or mould growth from moisture collecting under glass or polycarbonate conservatory roof panes.

Here’s how it can be done:

The Guardian Warm Roof

A conservatory can be a delightful place for a garden room, and an existing space that’s a natural choice for a cheap extension. However, with glass or polycarbonate roofs that are so common across Britain, it’s hard to enjoy your conservatory garden room as it was intended.

The main problem with these materials is that they don’t offer any insulation. What you end up with is a room that fluctuates with the notorious British climate. In the summer it becomes unbearably hot; in winter freezing cold. It’s then no wonder that the garden room rarely gets used!

However, if you insulate your conservatory, suddenly using the garden room becomes a possibility again – and moving house may no longer be necessary.

Projects 4 Roofing have been converting conservatories with the Guardian Warm Roof for many years. We’ve seen the impact this roofing solution has on comfort, usability, leak prevention and overall enjoyment of the space – providing a total conservatory transformation for hundreds of families.

How does the Guardian roof work?

Where a glass or polycarbonate conservatory roof just provides cover between you and the elements, the Guardian Warm Roof does so much more.

The design of the solid Guardian roof consists of multiple layers of state-of-the-art insulation. This means that warm air can’t escape in the colder months, keeping the conservatory toasty inside.

In the summer months, you don’t get the greenhouse effect of sunlight streaming through glass and not being able to escape. The Guardian Warm Roof is solid – acting as a physical barrier to direct sunbeams from above. It also has built-in ventilation to allow air to circulate, preventing moisture building up and mould in the new roof.

Beautiful conservatory roof finishes

When you replace your conservatory roof with a Guardian roof you’re able to choose from a variety of stylish, natural-looking slates or tiles for the outside. These quality materials give the finished conservatory a professional appearance just like a full extension, and you can choose tiles that match the colour and style of the rest of your house.

So there’s no need to choose between conservatory or extension – a conservatory conversion with a Guardian Warm Roof gives you both. And once you have a new garden room that’s fit to live in, there are a whole range of new possibilities available to you.

A real extra room in your house

This cheap extension solution breathes fresh life into a neglected room – giving you significantly more square footage than you thought you had originally. Once you convert your conservatory you’re not going to want to move house.

But if you ever did, your new garden room will raise your home’s versatility and value.

Garden Room

A traditional conservatory garden room is only worth having if you can spend time comfortably in it. This is sadly not the case for polycarbonate and glass roofed conservatories due to the drastic temperature changes.

A solid Guardian Warm Roof transforms the conservatory into a room like any other in the house, only with a calming view of your garden. Perfect for relaxing after a busy day, or enjoying a quiet weekend in the natural light with a newspaper or a book.

Spare guest bedroom

A conservatory roof replacement from Projects 4 Roofing meets all building regulations necessary for it to become just like an extension to your home. Therefore guests can sleep in the room overnight, safe in the knowledge that the structure is sound. The advantages of the solid roof also mean they’ll not be disturbed by rain noise, cold midnight gusts or hot summer sunrises.

Dining room

Many of our customers enjoy moving their dining table into their new converted conservatory for a bright, near-al fresco environment.

Playroom or TV room

An extra room in the house means you can use it for nearly anything you want. As you would with a normal extension, the conservatory transforms into a children’s play area complete with LED spotlights in the new ceiling. Alternatively, if you want a place to escape from the kids, put a flatscreen on the wall and enjoy a new TV room or living room.

A Cheap Extension or Garden Room is just a call away

If you do have a conservatory that is rarely used, it’s worth exploring the option of a conservatory roof conversion before you look to move. The work only takes around a week and is much less expensive than relocating.

To find out more about how Projects 4 Roofing, East Anglia’s conservatory roof conversion experts, can help, contact us here. We will be happy to provide a no obligation quote.