Projects 4 Roofing Blog | Conservatory Roof Conversion

Open Plan Living Ideas with a Conservatory Transformation

Written by Clare Whitehall | Apr 01, 2022

Would you like to use all the space in your home more efficiently and create a relaxing atmosphere for your family?

Of course, you would!

Your conservatory is a space that can be used in many ways.

It can be a quiet place to work, a dining room, a home office, or even an extension of your living space.

What if your family requires all of this?

You’ll need one space with infinite conservatory uses!

Projects 4 Roofing are here to discuss the benefits of a conservatory transformation and how you can create an open plan living area to serve your needs.

What is an open plan living space?

Open plan living with conservatory transformation might be the perfect solution when looking to make your home more of an extension of your lifestyle.

But what is it?

The idea behind an open plan living space is to create a seamless flow between the different rooms in your home. 

Designed with minimal walls or barriers, this type of conservatory transformation is a popular trend that allows for maximum usage of your available space.

It's not new!

The idea behind this design has been around for decades but it has recently become popular again for conservatories because of its practicality and efficiency.

Introducing an open plan living space in your home can be challenging when you don't know where to start. 

So, if the idea of creating an open plan living area, by removing the internal doors between your conservatory and home, is appealing please bear in mind that you will need Building Regulations Approval to do so.

This process can be a legal mine field, however, here at P4R, we deal with this process on your behalf and ensure you receive a Certificate of Compliance on completion so you don't fall foul of your legal obligations.

A conservatory transformation with P4R will help you get what you want with ease!

Infinite conservatory uses from just one space!

In this day and age, like gadgets and gizmos, we need everything to do and be all things at once.

The same could be said for our personal lives and living space. 

Serving a multitude of purposes, it needs to be a flexible space that can be adapted according to our needs. 

You may need your conservatory to combine:

An open plan conservatory transformation is a perfect way to make your space multifunctional for all to enjoy. 

Give your home a versatile space with a modern feel and a touch of elegance. You can adjust the design to match your home decor, personal needs, and style. 

What’s even better, no matter what the weather is like, you can enjoy it all year long.

Undergoing conservatory roof replacement gives you an insulated conservatory, to make your space usable throughout the winter and summer months.

Open plan conservatory transformation is a game changer! The flexibility makes your conservatory accessible, giving your family extra room for relaxation, entertaining or whatever you wish.

Why convert my conservatory with a solid roof?

A conservatory transformation is spectacular, but incomplete if you don’t replace your conservatory roof too.

If you have a glass or polycarbonate conservatory roof, chances are you may be experiencing common roofing problems such as cracks, leaks, mould, condensation and too hot in the Summer and too cold in the Winter.

Your roof is the first line of defense against the harsh weather and your conservatory's most vulnerable point.

If you don’t convert your conservatory roof, these problems will remain and ruin your new conservatory transformation over time, making the whole process a bit pointless.

A glass, polycarbonate or sub-par solid roof conservatory has a short lifespan. Transforming your old space into an insulated conservatory with a solid roof ensures you will have a perfect oasis for years to come.

Conservatory roof replacement for an insulated conservatory gives you:

  • Protection from harsh weather extremes
  • No leaks, cracks, mould or maintenance 
  • Improved energy efficiency (reduced heating bills)
  • A new favourite spot 24/7 and 365 days of the year

The cost and hassle of repairs are not worth it, especially when you can do something about it right now. Complete your full conservatory transformation with a solid roof conservatory.

Will my conservatory transformation take a long time?

A conservatory transformation is a worthwhile investment, but the process can seem daunting.

With the fast pace of life, we want and need everything yesterday!

We totally understand. Although we wish P4R could wave a conservatory transformation wand and do that, we can come pretty close.

We can deliver your conservatory transformation in 8 days!

Our years of experience have given us the necessary skill set to provide our customers with the best possible service in the shortest time frame.

You’ve been longing for this, and we want to get in and out so you can enjoy your new insulated conservatory as soon as possible.

With multiple ideas and conservatory uses, your options are endless. So exciting!

Why Projects 4 Roofing?

For over 30 years, P4R has been committed to providing excellent customer service and quality products as East Anglia’s conservatory roof replacement experts.

Completing your conservatory transformation, we always take pride in our work and strive to satisfy all your needs.

When considering a solid roof conservatory, the most important thing to remember is that when it comes to the quality of materials and construction, it's always better to invest in a quality roofing system rather than an off-brand.

Off-brand roofing solutions may offer a lower price point, but they tend to have higher maintenance costs and shorter life expectancy.

Solid roof conservatory installation with P4R gives you peace of mind with a 10-year product guarantee and a 20 year installation guarantee

You never have to worry about the installation's quality or the performance of your solid roof over time.

Building Regulations Approval and a new insulated roof that means there are no drastic changes in internal temperature whatever the weather outside you can create Open Plan Living by removing the internal doors between you conservatory and home. Projects4Roofing will deal with the Building Regulations for you and ensure you receive a Certificate of Compliance on completion.

Have an idea for your conservatory transformation?

We’re ready when you are!

Contact us today for a chat about your conservatory transformation ideas, or if you want to just see how much it may be first, use our pricing quote tool.

If you want a bit more information, we have a variety of informative blogs and a conservatory roof replacement guide to help you.